Just a nice day

I spent time grocery shopping with my mom today, and it was nice. The store seemed calm for some reason, maybe it was just the timing or something. But when it's like that, it makes it easier to shop! But being with my mom was fun, we just laughed about things....nothing in particular that I can remember, but that's ok!

When I saw Mandy today, she tried letting me feel Hailey kicking. But, Hailey didn't cooperate. Maybe she doesn't like her Aunt Colleen!! She hasn't even met me yet! lol I can't believe that in maybe a little more than 3 months, I'll be a biological aunt! It still seems surreal to me. I can't believe Mandy is married, and I can't believe she's having a baby. To me, I still feel like only yesterday, we were all playing together as little kids! Time certainly does fly, that's for sure!

Well, I'm late on going to bed again. Oh well, I can't sleep anyway! I'll go soon though! Hopefully. lol


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