On cloud nine..heck, just on a cloud!

Ok, this day has just been one of the best I've had in a while! I started out in a good mood, and it has just continued. I began with jammin' to some good hip hop for most of the morning (which is now continuing!). Then, I decided to go to NU to visit my FAO family, and on the way, I stopped by my dad's work to see the ladies there. I brought my bracelets with me, and by the time I left my dad's work and NU, I had made $42!! Yaaaaaay!!!! My FAO family is doing well, and it was good to see them! I love going back there to see how they are doing. The four years working there were very nice, besides the fact that it can get so crazy during certain times!

So, on the way home from NU, I stopped by Blackwinds to meet Mo. She wanted to get another betta, and so did I. We both walked out of there with two...oops!! But they are so darn beautiful!! So now I have six of them, one in almost every room in the house. I'm a betta addict, I know! lol

To make my day even better, I came home to discover that I had email from Euan!!!! I hadn't heard from him in over a month, and I had given up hope. He wrote to say that he had mild congestive heart failure, so he was in the hospital for a while. So now he has to keep from working for a while, and he'll be able to talk more. He also still wants to meet me, which makes me happy too!! I just can't wait to talk to him again, which is really the main thing!! So, I have to say, my day so far has been great!! I hope I can say the same thing several hours from now when I go to bed! lol :-D

Written by melonlady1724 . Link to this entry
This entry has 1 comments: (Add your own)
Woohoooo! Although, the congestive heart failure thing doesnt sound good. Do you sell this jewelry online? have I asked you this already? Comment from maidothemist - 2/26/05 1:37 AM


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