
I had a feeling today might not be pleasant to wake up to. Last night, I went to bed around 12:30am (whoa, early for me!), got all nice and comfy, drifted off to sleep almost immediately, and then awoke about 25 minutes later to a loud crash! I realized the crash was thunder, and not even 2 minutes later, there was continuous thunder and lightning. I had to get up and shut off my computer, since I do like to leave it on for a few days. Anyway, when I got up this morning and got out of my bedroom, I could feel the humidity. Now usually humidity doesn't bother me. Or it bothers me a little, but not enough so that I can't do anything. Today it's just downright yucky. I've been doing only a few things here and there, but I'm tired from it. While I realize I could turn on the central air, I'm not doing it. I hate a/c. It's not even all that warm enough to warrant turning it on. I've got most of my windows open, and there is a really nice breeze happening. But I'm just taking it easy, I guess! I think it's supposed to rain soon, so maybe that'll help!

I had a busy day on Thursday. My mom came over with her Shark mop thingy, and she washed my kitchen and bathroom floors. I tried to see if I could use it, since it's pretty light-weight. But pushing it around was a bit too much. Oh well, I'm just glad my mom could help! We ended up cleaning the entire kitchen, wiping walls down and moving things to clean, too. I also cleaned Mittens' litter box, which was the reason I asked my mom if she could mop anyway, since I had to move all that. So it was a busy afternoon, which then led into babysitting for my friend. After my friend picked her son up, my mom took me to get my digoxin AGAIN. They didn't have my regular dosage, only the next higher one, so I got 3 of those pills, which I had to cut in half. It's getting ridiculous, if you ask me! By the time my mom dropped me off, I didn't even feel like making dinner. I was very tired! I just vegged on the couch watching my shows, until the Lost season finale came on. I was afraid I'd fall asleep, but it was so good, that didn't happen! I went to bed soon after it ended.

My Friday was alright, but I was tired from my Thursday. I got my dishes done while babysitting later Friday afternoon, but for most of the day, I didn't do too much. I actually bought some very early Christmas gifts, from Bath & Body! I know it sounds crazy, but I got an email from them, and they were having clearance. Their Signature Collection lotions and bath stuff were 6 for $20. That's a little more than $3 a bottle, which is a friggin' steal considering bottles of lotion can cost at least $9.50! So anyway, I bought stuff on the website, and then babysat and washed dishes. I was so exhausted after Jeannie left with the baby, that I felt physically sick to my stomach. I tried to lay down for a bit, but it got kinda worse. So I finished making dinner, and watched tv for a few hours. I felt a bit better after just chillin!

My mom is over here waiting for the lady from church and her hubby to come over to see the apartment. I hope they want it. It sounds like they really do, despite the fact that they won't even be here most of the year. I really don't care, as long as someone rents the place, that's all that matters!

Well they are here, and I'm going to spy. haha! I also might have to shut down the computer, I just heard thunder!


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