I Am A Jackass!

Yesterday morning, after exercising, I continued to listen to my earphones with my cellphone, jammin' to music on my phone. I went into the bathroom to do a few things. The cord of my cell's earphones kinda got tangled with my tubing, I tried to fix it, hit the earphone cord too hard, and watched as my cellphone flew into the air, detached itself from the earphones, and landed smack dab in the toilet. Yes, IN THE TOILET. I dove in after it, not even 2 seconds later, even though I felt like everything was slow motion. The phone was still playing music, and I had some hopes that maybe it would be ok. Until I started wiping off the water. I wasn't even hitting keys, and my phone was doing all kinds of crazy things. All I kept saying out loud was (skip over this sentence if you don't like swear words lol) "I can't believe I fucking did that!" I must have said it at least 10 times. I was so sick to my stomach, because not only did I use that phone to make calls (duh, what else are phones for?), but I listened to it constantly with all the songs I had on there. Did I tell you I felt so sick to my stomach??

So I get dressed, look all around the house for my old cellphone (I guess I am so greatful I never gave it to my cousin!), and after finding it, drive to Verizon Wireless to find out how to get that old cell reprogrammed with my number. The guy tells me they can do it for me, for $20. I shrug and say fine, and then the guy asks if I have internet access. I tell him yes, so he tells me he can give me a sheet with directions on how to reprogram the phone myself. For free. Gee, let me think on what to do....DUH, give me the damn sheet! I swear, they charge for everything these days. So I drive home after making a stop at Target, and I reprogram the phone. Thank goodness I still had the phone, but I absolutely hate it. After using my nice mp3 playing phone for over 8 months, I hate the old phone! But, it is a phone, so I can't complain too much. I'm just not taking anywhere near the bathroom!

I realize that on my old phone, I had deleted all my contacts except for family members, because I had originally planned to give my phone to my cousin. I also realized that many of the numbers I had for family and friends were not in my address book. Soooo, I had to email a bunch of them, tell them what happened (although I had left out the toilet part), and ask for their numbers again. I had to start laughing when 5 of my friends emailed me back saying they've dropped their phone in the toilet. I guess I'm not the only jackass out there, so I don't feel so alone! One of my friends told me if I give the phone a couple days to dry out, it might start working. Well, I've tried the phone twice today, and although it turns on, and can actually dial out, the screen doesn't work. There really isn't a point in trying to use it if I can't see who I'm dialing or who is calling!

And in case you are wondering, no, I didn't have insurance on the phone. If the damn taxes on the phone bill weren't so damn much, I would have put insurance on the phone. But as it is, I pay almost $10 in fees and taxes alone, which sucks big time, so I didn't want to add the cost of insurance. I am currently watching a few of the same phones on Ebay, however. I know I have my old phone, but it sucks, and I want my chocolate phone back!!

So anyway, that is the story of why I am a jackass. Yesterday I was so upset, but today I am not too upset about it. I just hope I learn my lesson and stay out of the bathroom with the phone!!!


Tony said…
I want to laugh; I want to share your frustration; I want to help ease your pain...a video plays in my mind's eye of you grasping for the phone in slow motion just before it goes SPLASH!
hehehe - I think I'll just laugh
Anonymous said…
LOL..You know I am laughing with ya..I know you love that Chocolate phone..I am sorry..but I know many other Jackasses who have done the same..LOL
JK..You are not...Hope it dries out or at least you find a good deal on Ebay..
Have a great Friday:))
Love and hugs,
Annette said…
Well my jackass phriend, I hate to admit that I've had a similar toilet experience...
About 15 years ago I had a first grader who was hearing impaired. I had to use one of the auditory enhancers that hook on your shirt and hook on your belt. I went into use the restroom and, yup, you guessed it, toilet time! Of course I didn't have enough sense to tell the hearing specialists that it fell into the sink instead of the toilet! ARG!!
TW(Terry) said…
Oh lordy, Colleen I'm sorry I'm laffing so hard but I just can't help it. The infamous phone that has had poems about written about it. If I could afford it I'd buy you a new one...lol. Really I'm truly sorry about it cause I know how Judi is about hers. I had a friend that did it and put his in the oven, and dayum if it didn't start working... laffin

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