A Brief Summary Of My Day

*Woke up to snow around 9:30am.
*Fed Mittens, washed my face, got dressed
*Ate breakfast, read news, checked email
*Snow still falling at 12pm
*Mom called to see if I could change my dentist appt to another day, or ask for a later appt so she could take me. I did, the girl told me she'll switch it, but because I insist on only having the one dental hygienist, I can't get in til June. Ah well! lol
*Made sugar cookie dough
*Ate lunch around 2pm while dough chilled. Still snowing!
*At 3pm, I made the cookies. Recipe said Yield 48, I ended up with 61. LOL
*Around 4pm, I finished making the cookies, washed the dishes and cleaned the counter, but was beyond exhausted to frost the cookies, so I took almost an hour nap!
*Made dinner, ate it, watched some tv. Still snowing!! By that point, we had around 7 inches, maybe a bit more.
*At 8pm, I started hosting chat, and checking email again and stuff
*Around 9pm, I started frosting cookies. Took me a long time, but they are done!!
*Now it's almost 1am, and I am off to bed!!!


Nancy said…
I know what you mean about the dental hygienist. At my last cleaning, my hygienist told me she was getting married and moving to South Dakota. I pleaded with her to coming back every four months to clean my teeth. :0)

Frosted sugar cookies are the BEST things in the world. If I lived closer, I would be at your door begging for some.
Mmm...cookies! Sounds delicious. Esp. if they're anything close to as good as the recipe you gave me for strawberry banana bread!
Anonymous said…
Yummy..Hope you had a cookie for me:))

Sounds like a busy day at home...Hope to talk to ya soon..maybe chat tonite??

Love & hugs,

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