A New Feature - Happy Bit of News!

I've decided to start a new feature in my blog, and hopefully, when I remember to do it, it will occur on Sundays. I'd like to start off the new week every Sunday with a Happy Bit of News. This happy news will vary on whatever topic I happen to find happy or inspiring! It may sometimes be personal, but for now, I will search high and low on the internet for something I find uplifting, rather than all the dismal news going on in the world today!

So today's first Happy Bit of News winner is:

Sesame Street is 40 this year!!!

Ok, you're thinking I am nuts, right?? Why in the world would a children's program turning 40 years old be a happy and inspiring bit of news?? Are you kidding me?? A children's program that has lasted FORTY YEARS is inspiring, for one thing!! A program that has educated millions of children in a bunch of countries and languages for all that time IS happy news in my book!! I was 7 years old when Sesame Street first started on the air, and I am glad to say that I am thrilled this program is still running. It has taught children the basics in everything from learning letters and sounds of them, to learning simple words. It has taught children to count, it's taught them simple science. The show has taught children about emotions, sharing, friendship, and so much more. And it continues to do so!! In recent years, this program has seemed to also entertain adults who watch it with their kids. I like to watch it once in awhile, because it's hilarious! So, to Big Bird, Elmo, Oscar the Grouch, Prairie Dawn, and all the other characters and people working to make Sesame Street a success, I commend you for educating children for 40 years, and I sincerely hope that you continue to provide many new little viewers the same benefits that us "oldies" got when we were growing up!!

Here are a couple classic Sesame Street clips that I remember from when I watched the show!!


Teddybear said…
THanks Colleen for bringing back the memories. I too remember those two shows - my kids and I would watch Sesame Street as often as we could. Happy News is always welcomed. Blessings to you Love Deb.
Anonymous said…
Too cute! I watched them both and remember them from when my girls were young. I could even sing the Ladybuy Picnic song and I loved the aliens-yep,yep,yep,yep
Nancy said…
I like all the Sesame Street characters and even like watching the Muppet movies, but Capt. Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans played a larger role in my childhood.

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