Last Official Week of Summer

It's hard to believe that around here, the last official week of summer is this week. Schools will start up again next week after Labor Day, even though there are some schools around the country that have been in session for almost 2 or 3 weeks now. I find it amazing that, after not working in any sort of school for 5 years now, I'm still running on "school time." I think it'll always be that way for me. I always seem to think in school calendar year, rather than just a regular old year. Maybe it's because I have so many friends who are teachers. And I don't get to talk to many of them during the day because they are working. Whatever it is, all I know is that school is starting, and the summer is ending!! And I have to say, this summer was one of the best for me, temperature-wise! I loved the heat, even when it got to be a little oppressive at times. I suppose you can guess how I feel about fall and the upcoming winter season: NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!

Last week, I spent every day out of my house, even if it was for only a couple hours. So this weekend, I didn't go anywhere! I also didn't do a darn thing! And I'm not even kidding. I did NOTHING this weekend, and I have to say, it was nice! I don't have any major plans for this week, but then again, I didn't last week either! So who knows what I'll be up to!

I got to see Hailey 3 times this week. I just have to say, she is too stinkin' cute!! She is a little over 2 months old now, and that is hard to believe. It seems like she's been here forever already! I still really miss her not being upstairs, and I miss my sister. But, at least I know where they live, and I can visit! Which is really good, because who can resist this cute little girl???

Written by melonlady1724 . Link to this entry
This entry has 2 comments: (Add your own)
Like the Staples commercial says, "It's the most wonderful time...of the year! Comment from luvmort - 8/30/05 12:32 PM

Awww...what a cutie!! Hailey is getting so big! She still resembles her auntie a little, even with the pacifier in her mouth. LOL j/k m/f.. *HUGS* Comment from anglswinks - 8/29/05 1:13 AM


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