Ramblings And So On

Today has been pretty good so far. It's a rather dismal day out there. I only saw the sun for about a minute, and I don't think there's a chance for it to come back. I spent a bit of time online earlier, then almost an hour on the phone with one of my sisters. She had a good weekend, and all I could hear in the background was my niece. She was babbling and laughing! I made the realization that today she is 5 months old! How time does fly!

After chatting, I finally exercised. Only a half mile today, not bad. I didn't want to push it. I can get tired so easily, and I hate it! I want to be all rested up for this evening, for I am going to dinner with former co-workers at the Olive Garden. YUM!! It's my favorite restaurant, and I don't get to go there often since I have such limited funds. So I've been looking forward to this for quite some time. :)

I'm getting used to this new home. I keep figuring things out, and then I'll see someone else's blog with something different, and I try to figure out how they did it. I think my favorite part is the layout I picked. I love being able to pick bright colors to go with the black background. It looks so cool! At least I think so. lol My next challenge is figuring out how to add different fonts to things. We'll see, maybe I'll get it, maybe I won't!

Well, it's about that time to get dressed and see what jewelry I can make today. I'm getting close to my goal of at least 50 sets. Oh, the mailman just walked by!! Whooo hooo, let's see what crap I get today!! lol :)


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