Today's Wanderings

Today wasn't too bad. It took me a while to get myself moving, but what else is new. lol I'm amazed that afer five years of not working, I am not still sleeping in late and doing absolutely nothing. This is not the case however! I go to bed really late some nights, and still manage to awaken at 9am. Not a bad deal, I think!

Anyhoo, after getting ready for the day (dressed and all that jazz), I called my mom to see if she needed to go out anywhere. She said yes, however, she had just gotten out of the shower, and she'd be a while. Well, I thought this was ok. Even though I was personally ready, I still had to do a few things to go out adventuring. I had to write a couple bills, put together my sister's birthday package (gosh, those anklets I made better fit her, I'll throw a fit if they don't! lol), and make sure I remembered a new tank of oxygen. No need for passing out in the middle of a store without it. Ok, so that's never happened before, but why take the chance?

I call my mom back, and is she ready? Noooooooooo. I go over there anyway, and after another half hour, we're on the road! Yay!! We go a bunch of places: post office, credit union (gotta put the money in the bank to cover the credit card bill I just mailed! no bouncing here! lol), Aldi's, Joann Fabrics, and then Blackwinds. I see my good friend Mo's car at Blackwinds. I think, uh oh! She can't possibly be buying another betta! Lo and behold, she was!! I have turned her into a betta addict! Go me! LOL

After talking for a while, my mom and I adventure to the cemetary, to see if any of the tulips we planted last year at my grandpa's grave came up. They came up, with no flower, however. Darn it all! My mom suggests that perhaps we should plant something else for next year. Some spider plant-looking thing was growing, and we couldn't figure out what the heck it was. Oh well, it looked nice! lol And that ended my outing for the day.
I talked to my sister when she came home tonight. I asked how her doctor's appointment went yesterday. It was her last one before she actually has the baby! She said the baby's head is down, and that she will be having a natural birth. Good news! I am so excited!! I can't wait for little Hailey Morgan to be born. And I sure hope that when Mandy has the baby, it will STILL be a girl like the sonogram predicted. However, you never know about these things! lol

Well, now that my friend, Renee, and I played around with superbuddies on AOL for about 40 minutes, I'm ready to hit the hay. lol Hope everyone in J-Land had a good day!

Written by melonlady1724 . Link to this entry
This entry has 1 comments: (Add your own)
ok i thought I had my last appt before soph was born... then my last appt before soph was born.. then my last appt before soph was born.. then... well-- you get the idea Comment from maidothemist - 5/18/05 11:19 PM


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