November Is Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month!! - Post #1

This month is important in the PH world. It is Awareness Month, and there are so many ways that PHers can try to make the world aware of this chronic disease. This year, I am going to try using my blog to get the word out on PH and what it is. But I am not the only one! Hopefully many other phriends will blog about PH in one way or another. My personal goal is to TRY to blog a fact about PH every day, if not every other day. So, this first blog will try to answer the "simple" question of:

What is pulmonary hypertension??

Pulmonary hypertension (PH for short) is a chronic lung condition in which there is high blood pressure in the lungs. People with PH do not look like they are sick. The symptoms of PH include shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, and dizziness. A person with PH can get tired from doing simple tasks, such as getting dressed and even talking on the phone. PH is not a disease that you can catch from someone else.


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