PH Awareness Month - Post #30

It's the last day of November, the last day of PH Awareness month. I honestly can't believe I actually kept up with writing something PH related for every day of November!! I've touched upon what PH is, how it is diagnosed, who to see for treatment, what the available treatments are, and various ways of dealing with living with pulmonary hypertension. And just because awareness month has ended does not mean I will wait until next year to start talking about PH with people who don't know much about it again. I am always trying to make others aware of this disease. Wearing oxygen helps quite a bit, since I do get looks and occasionally questions about why I am wearing it. I pass out the green PH cards from the PHA, explain what PH is, and tell them to browse the website to discover what this disease is all about. This Thursday, I am planning on bringing PH posters to my PCP's office to ask if she would post them in some of the rooms, and perhaps even in the waiting room. That is the best place to start awareness in the world of doctors, since they often have no clue as to what it is!! I will continue to do my part on making PH aware, in the people I meet, the places I go, and even in my online life. PH awareness has become a big part of my life. I know my job (and the job of so many others) will be done once a cure is found!!!


phtony said…
You know Colleen,

That idea got me to thinking. I don't even see PH posters in my pulmonologist's office. That's a great idea!
phtony said…
Oops - Hit the button by mistake :-I

As I was saying - the poster idea is a great one. Perhaps we could put them on the employee bulletin board of the pharmaceutical research companies...;-)

take care,

Nancy said…
Congratulations on your faithful blogging for PH Awareness in November. I fell short of my goal.
Anonymous said…

You did/ are doing a great job with the PH awareness...

Thx again for all you do and being such a wonderful PHriend:))

Take care..Stay warm...

Love and Hugs,
Annette said…
Wow! I've been away from my computer for a few days and I see that you've been a very, very busy girl! You are so amazing, Colleen! I love you!
your phriend and friend

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