Very Late Night!

I went out tonight with Dee, and it was a good time! Half of me was hoping to run into Tom at some point tonight. Today was his birthday. On his birthday last year, we ended up hooking up together at the end of the night. That led to a summer of "stopping by." Very late at night. What a difference a year has made, though. I went from talking to him every day last year, to barely talking to him at all. All because I finally told him my feelings for him, and got hurt very badly from it. I'm over it now, and I still consider him a good friend. I don't know what I was expecting if I did see him out. But, I didn't, so I guess I won't ever know!

The person I did see tonight was my ex. It was the 2nd time I had seen him out ever since I broke up with him 5 years ago. And it was the first time I've talked to him since then. We spent 5 minutes catching up, and that was that. I think he was surprised to see me, and that I remembered a few things about him. But after talking to him, I realized nothing's changed with him. And I guess I'm not missing much.

I saw a lot of people out tonight, but I know I have really gotten old when I see people I used to babysit!! I saw the twin boys (well not really boys anymore, men!) who live across the street from my parents. My jaw just dropped, since I guess I really didn't realize they were 21. Actually, make that 22, as I was corrected. For goodness sake, where does the time fly?? I remember when they were 5 and coming across the street to play with us. Whoooo, do I ever feel ancient!!

I thought I'd be able to go straight to bed, since I started a yawning streak at the bar. However, I'm wide awake. Grrrr!! I think I'll go try reading something. That'll make me start feeling drowsy really quick! Have a great night!

And yes, this is being posted around 3:15am!!


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