A Little Irritated

Ok, so my sister's baby shower on Saturday is a family affair. It's meant for everyone in all the families of all the relatives we've invited, guys and gals. So, I hear from my mom today that my dad isn't coming to the shower. After asking why, I find out he was asked to work on Saturday, meaning he'll get a nice overtime check. Well, ok, I suppose it's fine since the money can go toward all my mom's spending on this shower. lol I just wondered how my sister would take it, if she'd be upset or not care.

Well, my sis writes me email today from work. She tells me that when she brought her car to my dad's shop last night to look at it, he said he didn't realize the shower was on Saturday. He said that he loved her, but he just had no interest in going. She told me that at first she didn't care, but after thinking about it, she's rather disappointed. Mainly because this is supposed to be a family thing. However, and we both agreed to this later when we talked, that it's probably a good thing he's not coming because all he would do is bitch and moan about my mom's family. It's no secret to us that he doesn't like everyone. That's ok, because neither do I. But this is supposed to be for Mandy, and HIS FIRST GRANDCHILD. I'm just rather frustrated and irritated that he wouldn't look past the people that bug him and be there for Mandy and Ron. I have half a mind to tell my dad that, too, but then I don't want to guilt him into going, and have him in even worse of a mood. Because he would most definitely complain even more.

So, whatever. We are going to go, and we'll have a good time. I'm looking forward to seeing family, and spending time together for a good reason. If my dad wants to stay home with the dogs, so be it. Maybe he'll perk up more when the baby actually arrives. Ugh!!


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