Pretty Good Day!

I had quite a busy day today, and I have to say, I did pretty well with it! It started with my morning computer/ticket mishap, and some aggravation. But that is in the previous journal. I then met my friends, Renee and Michelle, for lunch at Olive Garden. YUM!!!!! Michelle had told me she had a gift certificate that I could help use, but she ended up just paying for the whole thing! No certificate involved!! The little stink! lol But that was very nice of her, and I ate every last bit of my seafood alfredo!! Afterward we went to hang out at Barnes & Noble, with our Starbucks goodies. Strawberries & cream frappucino with a shot of chocolate is to DIE for!! YUM!! I eventually left, and got home in time to chat with my sis, and then take a brief nap before meeting Mo and Dee at the movies. We saw Hitch, and it was hilarious! Then the three of us went to Dunkin Donuts, and chatted for quite a while. It was so nice spending time with my friends!

And how did I feel all day? Well, the dizziness was there, and I determined finally that it's not the medicine. I felt a little nauseous on the way to lunch, but it was not horrible like last night. Last night before bed, ugh, I thought I was gonna die! I was soooooo nauseous, it was awful! But it is starting to subside a little. I just really hope it goes away completely soon!! So all in all, my day was pretty good! :-D

And on my way home tonight, as I turned on the block before my street, I had to slam on the brakes for a bunny that was venturing out into the road!! Now if that's not a sign of spring, I don't know what is!! I usually look for the first robin when spring arrives, but I think a little bunny is even better!! Either it was the first spring bunny, or it was the Easter bunny a week ahead of schedule!! LOL :-D

Written by melonlady1724 . Link to this entry
This entry has 2 comments: (Add your own)
Yeah! I know, I have already commented. But, yes, sucking the syrup dry. rofl! You read correctly. LOL Someone will be playing blackjack. Bring it on, my friend! :D Comment from anglswinks - 3/20/05 5:13 PM

So, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, AND Olive Garden? No donuts or Frapuccino e-mailed to me? lol Ahhhh....I am starving for Olive Garden, and here you are writing in your journal about it. lol I am glad you had a good time. :) Even if I did not get any... lol Comment from anglswinks - 3/20/05 12:07 PM


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