Ooooo, a survey!

I hope Sue doesn't mind, but I stole her survey from her journal. Which I noticed, she took from another journal. LOL All in all, it looked like fun to answer!

1. What is your favorite color for an automobile? Is your car this color? My favorite color for a car would be red. And....yay! My car is this color already!!

2. You decide to start a diet on Monday. What is the "bad food" meal that you must have "one last time" over the weekend? If I ever went on a diet, there would have to be something SEROIUSLY WRONG WITH ME!!!! rofl!! However, since I DO have high cholesterol, I have changed my eating habits. At least, I like to think so. I would LOVE to have a meal with everything cheese!! Extra cheese pizza, shrimp alfredo, nachos and cheese, just anything cheesy!!

3. How do you balance your checkbook? In your head, with a calculator, or with software? I "balance" my checkbook with a calculator. Funny how what I have in my checkbook never matches what my statements from the credit union say. **scratching head**

4. How many of the Oscar® winner movies did you see before the awards this year? I saw only one, and that was Sideways. Very good movie! My friends and I laughed our butts off at some of the scenes! Wait, was that a movie winner?? I think Paul Giamanti was nominated for best actor, but that was for the Globes. Or am I confused?? TOO MANY DAMN AWARD SHOWS!!!

5. In what room of the house do you find yourself the most comfortable and why? That would have to be my ocean room (aka the computer room). I looooove my ocean room, it's soooo pretty! :-D

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #49 from Scott: What is the "one thing" that the mere mention of sends shivers down your spine? The mention of certain medical procedures gives me absolute chills. For instance, my dad was talking about his knee surgery and something about tendons. Made me shiver horribly. Also, my friend told me about her mom having a detached retina. Ugh, not gonna think about it! Ewwwwwww!!


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